Oral history interview with Carson Bain
Interview Date: June 30, 1977
"But I would say that the Jaycees have, more than any organization in the history of Greensboro, have done as much if not more to promote Greensboro, within the city as well as without, than any other one organization I know. Because they literally take hundreds—I know, at this sitting right now, Jaycees are, several of them, twenty or more, are in Seattle, Washington right now at a Jaycee convention, doing their best to tell the people of this nation what a great place Greensboro is.
And twice we've been honored as being the greatest Jaycee organization in the world. And I think we ought to, many, many of the young people—and it's formed, I guess, the leadership of this community, most of whom have served at one time or another in some capacity. And I could literally name fifty or more who have served as presidents of the Jaycees or in some capacity in the Jaycee movement who have developed the leadership that gives Greensboro its guidance that it now has."
This has been a segment of the Greensboro Public Library Oral History project. It was filmed on June 30, 1977, at the Greensboro Public Library.This excerpt was taken from the following link. To read the entire interview go to: