"Hello Friends and Family;
I just wanted to touch base to remind everyone of the April 30th deadline approaching to take advantage of the $8,000 first time homebuyers (having not owned a home in past 3 years) credit and $6,500 credit for other homeowners who have been in their house for more than 5 years. Its not too late to take advantage so contact me soon!
The real estate market has been ever-changing and challenging last few years, but there is strong evidence that we are at the bottom of the cycle and beginning to climb back up! Baby boomers are beginning to think of downsizing and preparing for retirement. Echo boomers (offspring of baby boomers) are entering the market and will maintain a strong demand for housing for years to come. There has been an obvious decrease in new construction in recent years and couple this with increasing demand could result in a shift in the market this year and next.
Spring is always a great time to list your home for sale. Activity is increasing and interest rates are still very low. Contact me for a free market analysis!
In other news, my beautiful wife Kathy and our friend Beth Gundersen have been asked to once again sing the national anthem for a Greensboro Grasshopper game! The date will be the season's first Saturday home game, April 10th, at 7pm. Come on out and join us at the park!
Other Community News!
Safety Town is a two-hour a day, two-week program for 5 and 6 year old children that teaches safety lessons on strangers, traffic, pedestrians, fire, bicycles, bus, poisons (including drugs), water and guns. This community service program has been sponsored by the Greensboro Police Department, the Greensboro Jaycees, and other area local civic and business organizations for 30 years. It is provided free and is accredited by the National Safety Town Center of Cleveland, Ohio. Applications and more information can be found at www.safetytowngreensboro.com.
Freedom House annual Golf Tournament will be Thursday, May 13th at Forest Oaks Country Club. We are looking for sponsors and players. For more information, contact me. Its a great day of fun, golf, and prizes! For information on Freedom House, go to www.helpfreedomhouse.org.
Have a great week!
Jerry Speight