"The PGA's television contracts will expire after the 2006 season, and although tour and network officials are expected to sign new three-year contracts, there has been much speculation about the tour schedule and the possibility of a shorter season.
If the season is shortened, some fall tournaments could be eliminated.
"It's a little bit of a waiting game right now," Brazil said. "We're waiting to see what the tour is coming out with. I've had some discussions with the tour, and they have been very tight-lipped about what they are doing."
Brazil said that his tournament's contract with Chrysler runs through 2006 and that the CCG is safe this year and next year."
This excerpt was taken from the following article:
Thursday, June 9, 2005
CCG curious about 2007 PGA schedule
By John Dell
To read the entire article go to:
When the tour forced the CCG to move to the fall, it was a pretty severe wound. It is quite likely that the CCG is slowly dying and will be only a memory within five years, and that is a true shame.