This journal is dedicated to the preservation and discussion of memorabilia and related topics from the Greater Greensboro Open, Kmart Greater Greensboro Open, Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic, Chrysler Classic of Greensboro, Wyndham Championship and occasionally the Nike Greensboro Open and the Greensboro Buy.Com.
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Chrysler Classic of Greensboro Creates Jobs
During the recent foundation annoucement Greensboro Jaycee President Gene Shanks said "In the 67 years it (Chrysler Classic of Greensboro) has become an economic engine giving millions to the local community."
When I think about the impact of the tournament I usually think about the donations to the community or the money spent in restaurants and hotels.
I saw this want ad in the News & Record today and it really hit home just how many people are affected by this event. It creates hundreds of jobs for that week. When you add that to the increased hotel, restaurant and other tourism it really is amazing what an impact it has.
Before we too quickly say the Greensboro Jaycees have failed because they have given up control of this event, I think it is important to understand that they are the Junior Chamber of Commerce. The very point of the Jaycees is to create economic development for Greensboro.
If you look back to the club's creation myth it tells a story of young men that wanted to bring the Ford Motor Company to town. That plan failed, but they saw the value of a club of young future leaders. The Greater Greensboro Golf Tournament was always "Plan B".
67 years as one of Greensboro's leading economic engines can be seen as nothing but a success.
Well Said Randy.