Sunday, October 02, 2005

2005 CCG Exec Committee Stays Dry

It has been said that "Change is inevitable". One tradition that ended with the 2005 Chrysler Classic of Greensboro was the annual "pool party" that usually took place moments after the last putt dropped-just after a well deserved toast with the guys from Chrysler.

I was going to pass along some tips on how to properly be thrown into the pool at Forest Oaks Country Club, when I was told by one of the Leadman that the Exec Committee was instructed not to report to the pool for the dunking celebration.

One anonymous leadman thought that perhaps the tradition was put to an end because Chrysler thought it was "tacky", but that didn't seem right. I mean they would have said something about it in the last decade if that were true.

A couple of leadman, including the new General Chairman, thought that perhaps it was to maintain the focus on the teardown portion of the program.

It turns out that Forest Oaks closes the pool after Labor Day and it cost $3,000 to keep it clean for the October tradition. It was more of a cost saving measure more than anything else.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:50 PM

    They should have gone in the lake like they used to.

