This journal is dedicated to the preservation and discussion of memorabilia and related topics from the Greater Greensboro Open, Kmart Greater Greensboro Open, Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic, Chrysler Classic of Greensboro, Wyndham Championship and occasionally the Nike Greensboro Open and the Greensboro Buy.Com.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
This is a Great Story from Justin that I Just Wanted to Print Again
"One final tournament note: Many of you have heard me tell the story aboutthe final pairings on Sunday. With the help of David Noble, I have beentrying to honor a long time family friend named Marty Sheets.
Marty andDave go to our church, and along with Dave's wife Iris they are some of thenicest people you will ever meet.Marty is a local Special Olympian. He has won gold medals in the Special Olympics in Golf and Weightlifting and others that I cannot recall.
He also has been volunteering for the Chrysler Classic for 14 years now as astandard bearer Thursday-Sunday. This year, I told him I wanted him tohonor me by being the standard bearer for the final group (this is atradition I would love to see continued, by the way...).
Some of the golfers will speak with the volunteers for a group, but many ignore them. We must understand that these guys are in competition and are focused, especially in the final round.
Marty arrived 30 minutes early forhis final pairings, excited and ready to go. When KJ arrived at the teebox, not only did he introduce himself to Marty, but he remained and spoke to him for several moments. In the last several groups I had not witnessedanything like this.
Here was a guy that was tied for the lead of our tournament, in the finalpairing of the final round, who found time for this small act of kindnessthat meant so much. Marty was beaming. My wife (who up to that point hadsaid nothing about any competitor or the tournament) looked at me and said,"I know who I want to win."I leaned over to Dad at that point and said, "Man, that was nice." Dad's response was "No, that was class."
Dad's words have sunk in since the end of the tournament. Over the last fewdays I have had the opportunity to reflect on both this year and the week ofthe tournament, and I could not be prouder of either. You see, you guys deserved a champion who was as classy and honorable as you were. You got one. If you believe in Karma or fate, KJ was rewarded for his small act ofkindness, as you too were rewarded with a fantastic week, a fantasticchampion, and a job well done.
Sorry about the length, and again, well done. "
Justin Conrad
2005 Chrysler Classic of Greensboro General Chairman
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