"Randy - I am very dissappointed in your blog. I read your words and headline and then I clicked on the link you provide and re-read what the actually wrote. When you put this blog together you actually took excerpts of what she wrote and made them your own.
But in this case, you made a few large mistakes. You state in your headline that I made that comment, when in fact, if you look at your link and actually read the article you will see that those were her words, not mine.
There are not even quotation marks that suggest I ever remotely mentioned anything relevent to your comments. By putting this on your blog, you took a misrepresentation of me, and made worse, just to benefit yourself.
Randy, I recommend you take this blog off your website and begin reporting things that are actually truthful. Again, I am very dissappointed in your actions and hope that you will do better research and report as such in the future."
Zack Matheny
(Zack, I did review that "post", not "blog" and I think if you read it again you will notice that there were none of "my own words" in the entire post. I did take a few lines from article, all of which were in quotation marks and I did link to the original article so that my readers could read the entire article for themselves.
As far as my headline, I could have written something like "Local Reporter Inferred Zack Matheny Thinks Jaycees Don't Make the Cut." I am not sure what "benefit" I receive from this blog, but I don't want to get into a contest here. I was a Jaycee for 13 years and I don't take kindly to people putting them down.
I will admit that I could have done a better job with that post and I want to thank you for reading my blog. By the way, I did post a very nice photo of you and a couple of other Exec members and as I recall, I congratulated all of you on a job well done. Let's focus on that.
Randy Harris
1997-98 Jaycee Communications Director
1998-99 Greensboro Jaycee Projector Editor
1999 Nike Greensboro Open Executive Committee Member
1993 KGGO Photography Chairman
1994 KGGO Photography Chairman
1995 KGGO Coffee Chairman
1996 GGCC VIP Transportation
1997 GGCC Courtesy Transportation
1998 GGCC Transportation Chairman
1999 GGCC Trash Chairman
2000 Buy.Com Executive Committee Member
2001 Greensboro Jaycee President-Elect
2002 Greensboro Jaycee President
2003 Greensboro Jaycee Chairman of the Board
2004 Chrysler Classic of Greensboro Area 10 Leadman
(I was going to put the other three times I was on Exec, but that would be tacky)
2005 Greater Greensboro Open Blog)
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