Tuesday, December 06, 2005

"The King" Richard Petty, Not Dickey Betts

(An old friend of mine that lived at Forest Oaks sent me a bunch of scans of autographs from the Greater Greensboro Open. This is a funny story she sent along with the scan. The autograph is from Richard Petty and not Dickey Betts, but its still a fun email. Thanks, S.)

"Randy –

Here are the autographs. I honestly don’t remember what year this was, although it would be an election year, at least for congressional elections. When did Tom Gilmore run for Congress in the 80s? That would be the year, because Dana and I got thrown off the course for wearing campaign stickers on our asses.

Some of these people I don’t even know who they are. Remember, this would have been the pro-am, and so some are celebs not golfers. The golfers I do have aren’t overly impressive. If you can make out the unknowns, more power to you.

I swear that one of these looks like it says Dickey Betts, and I always did love his music, but the autograph isn’t a perfect match for what I could find when I googled him. Oh, well, maybe a couple will be nifty finds for you. If you do figure out what year it was, let me know. My guess is 1983, but that can’t be right, because it wouldn’t have been an election year… unless this was early in the campaign cycle, but I don’t remember it being so. Their house was overrun with stuff for it at the time.

S. "
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