Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Note from Amy Collins Moore

"Hello friends,
I am writing again to let you know about an event that I am co-chairing this year. The Greensboro Junior Woman's Club is planning our 2006 Gala to benefit Camp Carefree. The event will be held on April 29 at the Cardinal Country Club and will be a phenomenal event.

I wanted to write for a variety of things regarding this event. Many of you may or may not be familiar with Camp Carefree, if not here's a little description - Since 1986, Camp Carefree has provided a free, one week camping experience for youngsters from North Carolina and neighboring states with specific health problems and disabilities.

Their program also includes camps for well siblings of chronically ill or disabled children and a week for those with a disabled or a seriously ill parent. Additionally, Sickle Cell Anemia Camp and weekend retreats for Multiple Sclerosis Society, The Brain Injury Association, Hospice, Cub Scouts and many church youth groups are held here. Other organizations rent the camp throughout the year for retreats, seminars, conferences and reunions.

The Junior Woman’s Club wanted to focus our efforts this year on a local organization that touches the lives of many – Camp Carefree was a natural fit. I am writing to ask you to consider a way that you might want to participate in the event.

1. You can purchase raffle tickets for $5 each or 5 for $20 for a split the pot drawing (cash prize). You don't have to be present to win.

2. You can attend the event - see the flyer for details...the ticket is $30 (food, drinks, fun) and the event is a silent/live auction with dancing, etc.

3. You can donate an item or be a cash sponsor for the event. I have attached the sponsor letter if you are interested. I would love to have your support. Consider if you can help out and just let me know.

Thanks so much! "

Amy C. Moore

Executive Assistant to the Dean and Office Manager School of Music
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
PO Box 26170Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
Phone: (336) 334-5889Fax: (336) 334-5497

(Amy Collins Moore was the 1996 President of the Greensboro Jaycees.)

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