Monday, October 02, 2006

Schlosser Interviews Artifact Geeks

The following excerpts come from an article entiled "Schlosser: Museum displays golf tourney's past"

"Spectators will get a preview of the museum this week. As they step off shuttle buses at Forest Oaks, they'll encounter a tent filled with memorabilia. Also present will be the Sam Snead Cup, which goes to the winner and honors the man who won here eight times: the first at age 25, the last at 52."

The article continues:

"To Randy and I, this is amazing," said former Jaycee leader Kevin von der Lippe, referring to another former leader, Randy Harris. "We were born in 1966. So much of what happened in this tournament happened before we were born."

"Mitchem credits these two "artifact geeks," as he calls them, for finding the stuff to make the museum possible.Two years ago, von der Lippe and Harris started a push to collect tournament paraphernalia. They knew plenty must exist.

Harris and von der Lippe sponsored a bring-in-your-souvenir day that got results.A woman arrived with what the two Jaycees considered the Holy Grail: a 1938 ticket.A man donated perhaps the only motion pictures of the '38 tournament. The footage includes a skinny Sam Snead putting."

To read the entire article go to:

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