While on their way to the Old Timers' tent on Thursday, the ggoblogger and Kevin von der Lippe were approached by Robert E. Lee. Not the Civil War general, but the vice president of Optima-National Commercial Cleaning Services.
He stopped the two because of the Green Coats they were wearing and wanted to thank them for the great time he had in the Wednesday Pro Am. He had a chance to play with 1985 Greater Greensboro Open Champoin Joey Sindelar. Lee told the ggoblogger that he had been told that he would love playing with Joey by a hundred people and that each person had a different reason why.
After giving von der Lippe and Harris a detailed stroke by stroke account of his round, Robert E. Lee, again that's his real name, told the two that Chrysler Classic of Greensboro Sponsor Sales and Accommodations staffer Don Gray had helped provide a golf cart to a member of his family recovering from Cancer surgery.
The golf cart made it posible for his family to follow his group and enjoy the round with him. As Robert E. Lee's mother always said, "People may doubt what you say, but they will always believe what you do."
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