Thursday, August 16, 2007

Buckley Report:Shrinking Jaycees

"The name 'Wyndham Championship PGA Tournament' still takes some getting used to. For years, professional golfers competed in the Greater Greensboro Open or Chrysler Classic of Greensboro. Unlike past tournaments, the Jaycees are not running things. But Bob Buckley reports an organizational change is not necessarily a bad thing. "

This excerpt was taken from the following link. To read the entire post and view the clip go to:;jsessionid=788B92486D8C653A60A9095473C655AC?contentId=4090549&version=1&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=VSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1

The ggoblogger got a call from the junior historian. He wanted to know if the ggoblogger had any photos of the Greensboro Jaycees from "back in the day". The ggoblogger said "sure" and the junior historian came over to the mancave later that night an tore the place to pieces looking of these photos.

The blogger then asked "why do you need these anyway?" The junior historian replied, "the Buckley report wants to slam the Jaycees and they need the pictures."

The ggoblogger does not have a problem with the report, but Buckley refered to the tournament as a child at least three times. This is a really weird metaphor when you think about the fact that it's a 69 year old child. Also, most of us only get one set of parents so the metaphor really does not work for us. It is more like, "If you love something set it free."

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