Saturday, July 19, 2008

Jamestown Makes Plans After Wyndham Move

"Straughn, who is a captain in the Internal Affairs Division of the Guilford County Sheriff's Dept., responded to a hypothetical question of how Jamestown might capitalize on its proximity to the tournament should it move by saying, "Law enforcement is already making plans on how it's going to work the traffic, where they're going to park people, and all the logistics of an event this large.

A command staff has already met with some of the Sedgefield people and toured the clubhouse and begun security procedures. They're looking at the crosswalks that are already in place and how the crowds would be handled, where the bleachers would be set up, things of that nature.

With an extra 5,000 cars a day, this is not something you can just sit back and wait to happen, you've got to plan and be ready for it."In a conversation after the forum, Straughn reiterated that plans are being formulated, but only as a proactive contingency in the event the tournament does move.

A subsequent conversation with Sheriff BJ Barnes confirmed the accuracy of Straughn's statements - but only as a hypothetical situation."The key word is 'if,'" said Barnes. "We have no knowledge of whether the tournament is going to move or not. We are just preparing for it if it does. We have received no word from any of them, but we're already looking at every alternative, which is nothing new for us."

Barnes added that if the event does move to Sedgefield it would present more logistical problems than Forest Oaks "just because of the way the streets are laid out and the access into the place.""

This excerpt came from the following link. To read the entire article go to:
Sheriff's department making plans for Wyndham move

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