Saturday, August 06, 2011

Mr. Gene's Jaycee History Part 2

"Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, a big thank you goes out to all those that have helped
me fill in some major gaps in my history of the Greensboro Jaycees
project. After the first email I sent, a couple of you mentioned that
you couldn’t open the pdf file that I sent. Also many of you have
said you have some information you want to give me to fill in more

So, I decided to make this a little more user friendly. I’ve
converted the file to a word file so that it is now interactive. I’ve
color coded the unknown information so it is easy to spot. If you
have some information to include, simply type it in and send it back.

Under Major Chairmanships, if you see a project that isn’t listed that
you feel deserves to be considered a major chairmanship, please
include it. If you know the chairman, include that too.

I’ve used most copies of The Projector and GGO programs for the
information I’ve gathered, so if you have some old issues I could
borrow I would appreciate it. I’ve included at the end of the file a
list of The Projector Editors and which issues I have used.

Lastly, in the final presentation of the book I’m working on I’d love
to hear from you. If you would like to write a 100 word or less essay
on your Jaycee experience I will use as many as possible. Past
presidents, please write about your year. General Chairmen, please
write about your tournament.

Thank you again for all the support. Together we can finally get all
of our history documented in one cohesive volume for everyone’s

Gene Shanks
2005 Greensboro Jaycee President
NC Cardinal Corps Colonel 258
NC JCI Senator 68688

(This is a project that Gene Shanks is working on. It is not associated the Greater Greensboro Open Blog or Save the Greensboro Jaycee and Wyndham Championship Archives Facebook page.)

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