Thursday, March 23, 2006

Green Coat Club Member Sounds Off About New Appointment Process

"While I do not have a problem with Mark or anyone else getting a Green Coat, I do have a problem with the process. We all were told directly that the bylaw clause that allowed the Green Coat Club to self populate was not going to be used. However, we all took the comments about the bylaws being an “imperfect document” at face value, and now we already have an abuse of our trust.

I want to be perfectly clear that I do not have a problem with the two newest inductees. However, I feel that their Green Coats do not hold the same value as ours, as they were awarded through some sort of backdoor avenue. If the Green Coat Board wants to fix things, they should let the Jaycees vote on the honoraries as in the past."

Kevin von der Lippe
1998-99 Greensboro Jaycee President

(This email was reprinted with Mr. von der Lippe's permission)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:10 PM

    To: Anonymous;

    The value of the Green Coat is the same as the value of the individual that wears the coat. Green Coats do not magically extend special insight or skill. Like I clearly said, the two newest members of the club are working very hard to save our golf tournament and the Jaycees, and deserve the recognition. My only issue with their appointment is the flawed process.

    I am unsure about what you are talking about in regards to theft. There were some accusations over a decade ago in the News & Record, but to my knowledge, nothing was to the level of criminal. We did have a case of embezzlement, and the non-Jaycee was prosecuted for the crime, but again this was well before I was president in 1998. There may be other example that pre-date or even post date my time on the board, thus I do not have knowledge of the events.

    All this said; you seem to have your sights aimed at a few people. I do not know who you are, or why you are so angry, but I think that if you feel there are issues, then you should address them directly with the Jaycees.

    On a final note, leveling nebulous charges against a broad group is unfair. If you have proof of wrong doing by certain individuals, then put it on the table and stand behind it-- not anonymity. I believe that the Greensboro Jaycees are a great group, with a strong desire to help Greensboro become a better place. If there is a problem, they will do the right thing.
