Thursday, March 23, 2006

Joey Cheek is Named Honorary Greensboro Jaycee

"At the last Jaycees board meeting, we voted to honor Joey Cheek in two very special ways. We voted to donate $10,000 to his "Right to Play" charity, which supports athletics for those less fortunate throughout the world (particularly in the Sudan).

We also voted to award a first ever "Honorary Jaycee" designation to Joey, with membership in the organization up until the age of 40. The plaque being awarded to Joey by Stephan Pearson during the Joey Cheek Day festivities reads as follows:

Honorary Membership in the Greensboro Jaycees

This is to Certify that Joey Cheek Is held in such high esteem by the Membership of this Organization that it has elected to confer upon him the full rights and privileges of Honorary Membership until the age of 40.

In Testimony Whereof, The authorized Officers of the Organization have hereto affixed their official signatures in the year of 2006.

Stephan Pearson

Tammy Barham

(This photo and article were submitted by Greensboro Jaycee Projector Editor and Vice President Jordan Bressler. Thanks for the update Jordan.)
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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous12:10 AM

    Good scoop, Randy. The N&R site has slide show with about 500 pictures, and not this one. Nicely done.
