Thursday, March 30, 2006

2000 GGCC Tear Down Team T-Shirt (Back)

The back of the shirt features the Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic logo as well as the Greensboro Jaycee logo. (circa 1995) There is also a counter letting people know how many days until the next tournament.
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2000 Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic Tear Down Logo

This is the logo design for the t-shirts that were giving to volunteers that came out on work on the tear down for the 1999 Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic held on Monday, April 26, 1999.
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Wednesday, March 29, 2006

2006 Junior Woman's Club Gala

"On Saturday, April 29th, 2006, the Greensboro Junior Woman's Club will host our 16th annual fundraising gala. This year’s event will be a festive evening to raise money for our beneficiary, Camp Carefree.

Since 1986, Camp Carefree has provided a free, one week camping experience for youngsters from North Carolina and neighboring states with specific health problems and disabilities. Their program also includes camps for well siblings of chronically ill or disabled children and a week for those with a disabled or a seriously ill parent. Additionally, Sickle Cell Anemia Camp and weekend retreats for Multiple Sclerosis Society, The Brain Injury Association, Hospice, Cub Scouts and many church youth groups are held here.

Other organizations rent the camp throughout the year for retreats, seminars, conferences and reunions. The Junior Woman’s Club wanted to focus our efforts this year on a local organization that touches the lives of many - Camp Carefree was a natural fit.

Established over 75 years ago, the GJWC provides women between the ages of 21-45 the opportunity to volunteer in and around Guilford County. Since our beginning we have started and maintained many educational, health care, conservation, and public affairs programs.

You will see Junior volunteers at Crop Walk, Women’s Only Walk Run and Operation Smile, to name a few. We have a partnership with the Women’s Hospital of Greensboro where we run the Luv Buckles - infant car seat rental program and conduct two Super Sitter babysitting workshops each year. We strive to make a difference in our world and feel we are accomplishing that goal.

In 2005, our members were able to donate over 2,000 hours of service and over $20,000 to our community.Our 2006 Gala will feature a silent/live auction, hors d’oeuvres, music and dancing. You can help by advertising in our Gala program, which will be distributed to our approximate 100 guests, donating items to our silent/live auction, attending the event, or any combination of the three!Please consider helping to build the future of the women in our community.

For more information contact the Greensboro Junior Woman's Club or Amy Collins Moore at 7008 Equestrian Trail; Summerfield, NC 27358 or via email at I will follow-up with you in a few days. Your help will be greatly appreciated.


Amy C. Moore"

(Amy Collins Moore was the 1996 President of the Greensboro Jaycees.)

Note from Amy Collins Moore

"Hello friends,
I am writing again to let you know about an event that I am co-chairing this year. The Greensboro Junior Woman's Club is planning our 2006 Gala to benefit Camp Carefree. The event will be held on April 29 at the Cardinal Country Club and will be a phenomenal event.

I wanted to write for a variety of things regarding this event. Many of you may or may not be familiar with Camp Carefree, if not here's a little description - Since 1986, Camp Carefree has provided a free, one week camping experience for youngsters from North Carolina and neighboring states with specific health problems and disabilities.

Their program also includes camps for well siblings of chronically ill or disabled children and a week for those with a disabled or a seriously ill parent. Additionally, Sickle Cell Anemia Camp and weekend retreats for Multiple Sclerosis Society, The Brain Injury Association, Hospice, Cub Scouts and many church youth groups are held here. Other organizations rent the camp throughout the year for retreats, seminars, conferences and reunions.

The Junior Woman’s Club wanted to focus our efforts this year on a local organization that touches the lives of many – Camp Carefree was a natural fit. I am writing to ask you to consider a way that you might want to participate in the event.

1. You can purchase raffle tickets for $5 each or 5 for $20 for a split the pot drawing (cash prize). You don't have to be present to win.

2. You can attend the event - see the flyer for details...the ticket is $30 (food, drinks, fun) and the event is a silent/live auction with dancing, etc.

3. You can donate an item or be a cash sponsor for the event. I have attached the sponsor letter if you are interested. I would love to have your support. Consider if you can help out and just let me know.

Thanks so much! "

Amy C. Moore

Executive Assistant to the Dean and Office Manager School of Music
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
PO Box 26170Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
Phone: (336) 334-5889Fax: (336) 334-5497

(Amy Collins Moore was the 1996 President of the Greensboro Jaycees.)

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Be a Part of the Great Clean Up

The Greensboro Jaycees ask "Are you enviromentally minded and would like to help Greensboro out?"

If you answwered "Yes", then the Jaycees have a project for you. The Greensboro Jaycees have been invited to participate in the Great Clean up sponsored by Geensboro Beautiful. The event will be held on Saturday, April 1, 2006.

Volunteers should meet at the Jaycee office, located at 401 N. Greene street, at 8:15am. The group will car pool to their designated spot which is Hwy421 the section from Hagan Stone Park Road to the new highway. This is the adopted highway with the Greensboro Jaycee's name on it and this highway also serves as the entrance to Forest Oaks Country Club-home of the Chrysler Classic of Greensboro.

Volunteers will pick up trash until 11:30 and then take it to War Memorial Stadium for collection. At that time the group will have lunch provided by Greensboro Beautiful. Please contact Melanie Coble for more information at 317-8013.

2001 Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic

2001 Greensboro Jaycee President Barbara Esquibel with 2001 Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic Champion Scott Hoch and eight time Greater Greensboro Open winner Sam Snead.
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Monday, March 27, 2006

Comment of the Week







Sunday, March 26, 2006

Gate Says "Jaycees Fading from GGO"

"It would not surprise us if soon the Jaycee GGO Chairman (general Chairman) is over nothing more than just Jaycee manpower. And with their active membership reportedly below 100 members, that may not even surpass the number of volunteers from other community organizations."

This excerpt was taken from the post entitled "Jaycees Fading from GGO". To read the entire post go to the following link

David Toms Signed Autographs at the 2003 Chrysler Classic of Greensboro

LSU fan David Toms is seen here signing an autograph for the 2003 Area 1 Leadman Kelly Eakes Harris in the 2003 Chrysler Classic of Greensboro Clothing Tent.
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Friday, March 24, 2006

Patty Wells Response to von der Lippe's Comments

"I see Kevin's point. However, we (the community, the Jaycees, the Green Coat Club) were on the verge of losing the "GGO". If it were not for the focus, dedication and "above and beyond" efforts of many, especially Bobby and Mark, then the tournament would have been lost forever and we'd get together (who knows when) to reminisce about the "good ol' days".

Again, only my humble opinion, it may be argued that Bobby and Mark do not have the years, tears and sweat that we have put into the club and tournament. However, I believe that the impact/value and contribution of their efforts equal anything that any one of us have contributed. I'm sorry, I cannot speak for the rest of you, so I'll say at least anything I have ever done.

Keeping this tournament was CRITICAL to Greensboro and to the Jaycees - - Mark did not really need to care. I'm certain he could have found a great job elsewhere given his skills and abilities. Yet, he has come to love the tournament and was/is willing to fight to keep it where it belongs - in Greensboro. I feel as if he went above and beyond what he was paid to do to ensure, not just that the tournament would live on, but would THRIVE in years to come.

Again, just my opinion - - hope it helps to shed a different light and perspective on an important matter.

Patty Wells
2000 Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic
General Chairman"

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Joey Cheek is Named Honorary Greensboro Jaycee

"At the last Jaycees board meeting, we voted to honor Joey Cheek in two very special ways. We voted to donate $10,000 to his "Right to Play" charity, which supports athletics for those less fortunate throughout the world (particularly in the Sudan).

We also voted to award a first ever "Honorary Jaycee" designation to Joey, with membership in the organization up until the age of 40. The plaque being awarded to Joey by Stephan Pearson during the Joey Cheek Day festivities reads as follows:

Honorary Membership in the Greensboro Jaycees

This is to Certify that Joey Cheek Is held in such high esteem by the Membership of this Organization that it has elected to confer upon him the full rights and privileges of Honorary Membership until the age of 40.

In Testimony Whereof, The authorized Officers of the Organization have hereto affixed their official signatures in the year of 2006.

Stephan Pearson

Tammy Barham

(This photo and article were submitted by Greensboro Jaycee Projector Editor and Vice President Jordan Bressler. Thanks for the update Jordan.)
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Green Coat Club Member Sounds Off About New Appointment Process

"While I do not have a problem with Mark or anyone else getting a Green Coat, I do have a problem with the process. We all were told directly that the bylaw clause that allowed the Green Coat Club to self populate was not going to be used. However, we all took the comments about the bylaws being an “imperfect document” at face value, and now we already have an abuse of our trust.

I want to be perfectly clear that I do not have a problem with the two newest inductees. However, I feel that their Green Coats do not hold the same value as ours, as they were awarded through some sort of backdoor avenue. If the Green Coat Board wants to fix things, they should let the Jaycees vote on the honoraries as in the past."

Kevin von der Lippe
1998-99 Greensboro Jaycee President

(This email was reprinted with Mr. von der Lippe's permission)

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Bobby Long, Jr. and Mark Brazil to Receive Green Coats

In an act of self-preservation, the Green Coat Club's Executive Committee will announce on March 23, 2006 it will extend the honor of membership into the Green Coat Club to Bobby Long, Jr. and Mark Brazil.

This honor comes from the leadership role each has played in "solidifying" the future of the tournament held in Greensboro. The tournament, held since 1938, is currently called the Chrysler Classic of Greensboro.

The Honorary Green Coats will be announced at the spring board meeting of the Greensboro Jaycee Charitable Foundation, Inc on March 23, 2006. The presentation of the Green Coats will take place at the Green Coat Breakfast on October 7th, 2006.

On May 10, 2005 the Green Coat Club had an informal meeting immediately following the dinner held at the Forest Oaks Country Club for the Green Coat Club/Old Timers Golf Challenge. At that meeting the Green Coat Club voted by a 72 to 7 vote, to among other things, give itself the power to grant memberships into the Green Coat Club.

Under Article II: Members-Section 4 Honorary Membership, of the newly created Green Coat Club Bylaws, states that Green Coat Club has given itself the power to award Green Coats to "deserving individuals in limited and very special cases".

When asked about this section at the May 10th, 2005 Green Coat Club meeting, no one at the meeting could name a "deserving individual" that they thought had been over looked. The general feeling was that this special power would never be used. When asked "why have it then?" the small group of 20 or so Green Coaters were reminded of the flawed nature of the newly created bylaws and that the bylaw committee, at then undetermined time, would consider the need for this power.

Until May 10, 2006, the Greensboro Jaycees awarded Green Coats to its members that had been elected president, or appointed general chairman or honorary general chaiman. With these new bylaws in place, the Green Coat Club can "award" a Green Coat Club membership to anyone. They are also able to do it without the advice of the current jaycee leadership.

Congratulations Judy and Bart

"Hello to all,

Sorry for the informal way of getting out the great news that we have a new baby. A little girl, Addison Mary Revels "Addy" was born a 1:55pm. She was 7 lbs, 5oz., and 20 1/2 inches. Judy and the baby are doing great. Kate and Emma are happy to have a new sister, and I am looking for a very large MALE dog. Judy will be home on Wed.

Hope all is well.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Wearing of the Green

1968 Greater Greensboro Open Honorary Chairman Stanley Frank, 1998 Greensboro Jaycee President Kumar Lakhavani with 2001 Greensboro Jaycee President Barbara Esquibel.
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Thursday, March 16, 2006

Happy Saint Patrick's Day

Saint Patrick’s Day has long been my favorite holiday. I grew up believing that March 17th was observed primarily because it was my younger brother’s birthday. Incidentally, if you ever have chance to be born on a day that most of the English speaking world celebrates, I highly recommend it.

Two years ago, my birthday fell on Super Bowl Sunday. Enjoying all of the people unknowingly joining me for a birthday toast, I realized that my brother experiences this phenomenon every year. It was pretty nifty.

Aside from being the anniversary of my brother’s birth, St. Patrick’s Day is for honoring Saint Patrick’s various religious accomplishments, and as legend has it, for chasing the snakes out of Ireland. Who wouldn’t want to revel in this? Forget the Easter Bunny. I’m for the snake-chasing guy. The good Saint died on March 17th, 460 A.D., which is really ironic. The odds of dying on the holiday named after you have got to be like 1 in 1000.

Most of us don’t know or care why we celebrate. We’re just happy for an opportunity to drink green beer, listen to Patrick Rock, eat some corned beef, and find someone wearing a "kiss me, I’m Irish" button, buy them a few (8) Irish Car Bombs, and propose marriage. These aren’t the only traditions we observe. I have spotty memories of some pinching incidents from my childhood. On this day it was okay to discriminate due to shirt/underwear color and pinch the non-green garbed offenders. After doing an exhaustive amount of research during the last ten minutes, I could find no reference as to why we pinched the green-less. Having no children, I don’t know if the pinching tradition is still practiced. In today’s politically correct climate, I’d imagine that it has taken on less violent forms of ridicule, like pelting with moldy tofu.

A recent movie rental took me down a St Patrick paved memory lane. Last weekend I rented "Waiting". Don’t laugh. It’s a movie anyone who has ever waited tables or eaten in a restaurant should see (DISCLAIMER: Don’t take this advice if you a) have ever sent back a steak, or 2) did not laugh once during The 40 Year Old Virgin). About ninety-eight percent of the movie takes place in a restaurant called Shenanigans. The décor and logo are so akin to Bennigan’s I can’t believe that a bunch of leprechaun lawyers haven’t gone magically litigious on the producers. Bennigan’s on High Point Road used to be the Saint Patrick’s Day destination.

The parking lot would be filled with tents, bands, and hot chicks wearing green. We always got there early and parked across from Hooter’s, but there were rumors of people who arrived after the St Patrick’s Ball dropped, and had to walk over a mile from where they parked. It was worse than Music in the Park when it’s at Latham.

The old Bennigan’s is now some sort of seafood restaurant, so we’ve had to find other alternatives. Keegan’s is still around. McCoul’s jumped into the fray a few years ago, sparking our downtown renaissance. They celebrate with tents, bands, Irish-ish food and drink. If you would like to try both, cab fare from one to the other is about $6.84. Put six people in the cab and that’s only $1.14 per traveler.

Last year, I think one of the Mexican restaurants in town had a big soiree. Or maybe that was Cinco de Mayo. In any case, most restaurants in Greensboro provide an opportunity to take part in the annual debauchery. As you are out and about, try to remember what’s important: don’t drink and drive, snakes are bad, regurgitated green beer stains and most of all, the reason for the season…my little brother’s birthday.

Incidentally, Ireland has never had an indigenous snake; St. Patrick is actually a guy named Maewyn Succat from Scotland, and for all I know, my brother is adopted.

Happy Saint Patrick’s Day.
Michael Davis

Note from Amy Collins Moore

Greetings all - I am the incoming President of the Greensboro Junior Woman's Club and the current years Ways & Means co-Chairman. We are planning for our 2006 Gala to benefit Camp Carefree.

The event will be held on April 29 at the Cardinal Country Club and will be a phenomenal event. I am attaching a flyer about the event. But wanted to write for a variety of things regarding this event. Many of you may or may not be familiar with Camp Carefree, if not here's a little description - Since 1986, Camp Carefree has provided a free, one week camping experience for youngsters from North Carolina and neighboring states with specific health problems and disabilities.

Their program also includes camps for well siblings of chronically ill or disabled children and a week for those with a disabled or a seriously ill parent. Additionally, Sickle Cell Anemia Camp and weekend retreats for Multiple Sclerosis Society, The Brain Injury Association, Hospice, Cub Scouts and many church youth groups are held here. Other organizations rent the camp throughout the year for retreats, seminars, conferences and reunions.

The Junior Woman’s Club wanted to focus our efforts this year on a local organization that touches the lives of many – Camp Carefree was a natural fit. For many of my Jaycee friends especially from the 90's this was an important charity for us in particular.

I am writing to ask you to consider a way that you might want to participate in the event.

1. You can purchase raffle tickets for $5 each or 5 for $20 for a split the pot drawing (cash prize). You don't have to be present to win.

2. You can attend the event - see the flyer for details...the ticket is $30 (food, drinks, fun) and the event is a silent/live auction with dancing, etc.

3. You can donate an item or be a cash sponsor for the event. I have attached the sponsor letter if you are interested. I would love to have your support, but know that everyone gets hit up from all sides...Consider if you can help out and just let me know.

Thanks so much! Amy C. Moore
Executive Assistant to the Dean and Office Manager
School of MusicUniversity of North Carolina at Greensboro
PO Box 26170Greensboro, NC 27402-6170
Phone: (336) 334-5889Fax: (336) 334-5497

(Amy Collins Moore was the 1996 President of the Greensboro Jaycees and is a member of the Green Coat Club.)

Greensboro Jaycees are Forming a Walk Team for the Carson Bain Memory Walk

The Greensboro Jaycees are forming a team to walk in this year's Carson Bain Memory Walk. They will be holding an interest meeting on Tuesday, March 28, 2006 from 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The location of the event is Libby Hill.

The walk will be held at Jaycee Park on June 3, 2006. Resgistration begins at 8am with the walk from 9 until 11am. The Memory Walk is the signature event of the Alzheimer's Association, raising much needed awareness and funds for local programs and services benefiting families and individuals with the Alzheimers disease.

The Greensboro Jaycees will form a team of members to take part in the walk. Each team will be asked to raise at least $100.00 each. A team meeting will be held Tuesday March 28, 2006 at Libby Hill on Cotswold Ave.

Information on how to sign up and develop member website will be given. Please RSVP to Staci if you can attend the interest meeting at (Dinner will be on your own).

Greensboro Jaycees Host Distinguished Service Awards

The Greensboro Jaycees, official host volunteer organization of the Chrysler Classic of Greensboro, will sponsor this year's Distinguished Service Awards on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM. The event will take place at the Embassy Suites Greensboro.

This annual event recognizes local outstanding educators, senior citizens, policemen, firemen, and high school students for their efforts and commitments to the Greensboro Community.

Dinner will be provided. The awards ceremony is co-sponsored by Carolina Kia. The cost is $10 at the door. For more information contact the Greensboro Jaycees at (336)379-1570 or email the chairman at or

Monday, March 13, 2006

Interview with 1990 Greensboro Jaycee President Mary Schott Speaker

I recently had a chance to send 1990 Greensboro Jaycee President Mary Schott Speaker a few questions about her year as president. Here is what she had to say.

ggoblogger: Which was harder, being Greensboro Jaycee President or being the North Carolina State President?

Mary Schott Speaker: They each had their own degree of difficulty, but I would say that being Greensboro's President was somewhat more challenging. The main reason being, was that it was my first time serving in this capacity and that in some ways, many were keeping close tabs on me to see how I would perform, simply because I was a women. I had a tremendous amount of support from both the board and membership.

ggoblogger:What did you learn in Greensboro that you could use on the state level?

Mary Schott Speaker: The most crucial thing I learned was the importance of activating our members. If there was a strong concentration put into this, our retention remained high and it was easier to recruit members to replace the few we lost. As a result, I tried to concentrate on this at the state level as well.

While there is always the need to introduce the organization to new individuals, having a strong retention/activation plan, made recruiting easier because there were more people to get others involved. Greensboro and North Carolina had one of the highest retention levels in the nation, but unfortunately, as hard as I tried to make activation/retention an even more important element to a chapters/states plan, the US Jaycees didn't agree.

ggoblogger: You were the first female president of the Greensboro Jaycees. What was it like being the only "girl" in an all "boys" club?

Mary Schott Speaker: By the time I was elected President, women had been an integral part of the organization for several years. And, before the US Jaycees mandated that women be allowed into the Jaycees, the Greensboro Jaycettes had worked side by side with the Jaycees for decades before.

So, I really didn't feel like the only girl in the boys club. Yes, I was the first female President, but I don't believe that is why I was elected. I believe that I was qualified and had earned the privilege to run for the office.

ggoblogger: Were you accepted or did you face any tension?

Mary Schott Speaker: As in any elected position there is always tension or opposition. You're not going to please everyone, so I didn't try. My goal was to do the best that I could do for the organization.

ggoblogger: What was it like having Keith Holliday as your general chairman?

Mary Schott Speaker: It was a tremendous honor. Keith did a great job as General Chairman and I learned a great deal serving along side him.

ggoblogger: Everytime the Green Coat Club gets together with the Old Timers you ask when the Old Timers are going to let women join? What is your take on that? Should they let women join?

Mary Schott Speaker: Truthfully speaking, I don't know. I know that there are past Jaycee women who would like to have the opportunity, but I'm not even sure I'd join. I ask the question because I have others who won't and ask me to.

There is a tremendous amount of tradition in the Old Timers and perhaps keeping it the way it is the right course of action. On the other hand, many of us "women" miss the interaction with so many that we grew up with through the Jaycees.

I know that there was a movement from previous women members to form our own "Old Timers", but it never really got off the ground. I respect the Old Timers and would be honored to be a part of that group, but at the same time I respect them for wanting to keep it just the boys.

ggoblogger: Do you have a favorite story about being 1990 Greensboro Jaycee President that you would like to share?

Mary Schott Speaker:Off the top of my head, I can't think of one story in particular that stands out. My year as President had its challenges, but overall, I wouldn't trade the experience and the knowledge I gained for anything.

ggoblogger:Who should I interview next?

Mary Schott Speaker:The sky's the limit. So many to chose from.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

"A Farewell to Chancellor James C. Renick"

A farewell event for Chancellor James C. Renick will be held on Saturday, April 1 at 7 pm at the Alumni-Foundation Event Center located on 200 N. Benbow Road in Greensboro. This semi-formal evening will raise money for the James C. Renick Endowed Scholarships. The contribution is $100 per person ($75.00 tax deductible) For more information call 336 433 5560. (Chancellor Renick is a member of the newly formed foundation that now runs the Chrysler Classic of Greensboro.)

Saturday, March 11, 2006

Carson Bain Memory Walk June 3, 2006 at Country Park

The Alzheimer’s Association in Guilford County has an annual fundraiser called the Memory Walk, and this year’s event will be held at Country Park on June 3, 2006.

This year, they have honored a Green Coat Club Member, Carson Bain, by naming the event the Carson Bain Memory Walk. As you may be aware, Carson has suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for the past six or seven years. Although he is currently living at his home under the supervision and care of his wife, Fanny, Alzheimer’s has certainly diminished his quality of life.

His short-term memory functions are his greatest challenge. He still remains in fairly good physical condition and has been able to retain his humor and gentlemanly mannerisms. He may not know who you are but is still very glad to see you. One of the subtle blessings of Alzheimer’s disease is that the patient really doesn’t know he has it.

Many have expressed concerns about Carson Bain during the past several years, and these concerns are very much appreciated by his family. Your understanding of his condition when he is out in the public is also appreciated.

Alzheimer’s patients often ask the same questions over and over. They deserve an answer each time. During the Polio epidemic in the late 1940’s, he and his fellow Jaycees carried patients to the Polio clinics they helped fund. They didn’t care if it was contagious; they simply wanted to help those in need.

Let us now get behind Carson and raise some money for Alzheimer’s research. You can help by making a contribution, but better yet, why not sponsor a team through your company, church or neighborhood, and show up for the walk.

You may register your team at If you would prefer to make a pledge in Dad’s honor, simply indicate your wishes in an email to me at

Checks may be sent as follows:Alzheimer’s AssociationPO Box 7383Greensboro, NC 27417 Posted by Picasa

Five Green Coats

1975 Greensboro Jaycee President Al Lineberry, Jr was also the 2003 Chrysler Classic of Greensboro Honorary Chairman. He's standing with 2005 CCG Honorary Chairman Ken Conrad and two time Green Coater Mike Haley. He was the 1971 Greater Greensboro Open General Chairman and is the 2006 CCG Honorary Chairman.
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Past Presidents

Greensboro Jaycee past presidents: 2005 Gene Shanks, 1991 Rob Bencini and 1999 Kevin von der Lippe at the 2005 Chrysler Classic of Greensboro.
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Mayor of "Tournament Town" with Roy Williams

In honor of the Mayor of "Tournament Town" Keith A. Holliday, I am rerunning this picture of him with Roy Williams at the 2005 Chrysler Classic of Greensboro.
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Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Sam Snead Action Figure

Did you know that eight time Greater Greensboro Open Champion Sam Snead had his own action figure? Well it is true. Starting Lineup, a division of Kenner toys produced an action figure of Snead in 1997 as part of their "Timeless Legends" series. Other sports legends in this series include Sugar Ray Leonard, Joe Theismann, Len Dawson, Walt Frazier and Bill Walton. This toy, made in China, is for ages 4 to 104 and includes its own Sam Snead Collector Card. As action figures go, I found it lacking some detail. There is a club, but no ball and he only has four fingers on his right hand. (They painted the interlocking grip portion of his hand.) Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Comment of the Week

"If anyone cares to save the Jaycees, you need to get involved and urge the Board Members for a progressive change. Mr. Pearson was totally incorrect in his assertion that 50% of the 180 members are active. At the last meeting there were no more than 25 members. This organization is floundering due to the lack of vision and lack of a willingness to make progressive changes by the majority of a split board of directors. If this does not change, this organization will not be around in two years. --Posted by Anonymous to Greater Greensboro Open Blog at 3/06/2006 12:33:49 PM"

(I am not a big fan of anonymous post and I have been criticized for removing comments that I felt were more harmful attacks than genuine concern. I added this comment for two reasons. The comment deals with real issues and offers advice-not just name calling. It is also respectful of the current Jaycee president which I felt was a touch of class.

Randy Harris

1997 Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic Workday

1997 Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic General Chairman Gary "Rain Man" Thrower takes a moment to relax at one of the workdays after the event.
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ggoblogger wrote "and the Greensboro Jaycees will be running a project to support the upcoming Carson Bain Memory Walk to be held on June 3, 2006. This year's chariman is Bobby Bain. For more information on this event go to "

It has been pointed out that this is unclear and should read "Bobby Bain is the chairman for the Alzheimer’s Association. Staci Benoy is the chairman for the Greensboro Jaycees walk team. "

Monday, March 06, 2006

Greensboro Fighting to Keep Its PGA Tour Event

The following is a link to the Golf Channel website with an article entitled "Greensboro Fighting to Keep Its PGA Tour Event" By Associated Press - March 03, 2006

To read this article go to

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Gate Says"Night Has Truly Fallen on the (Greensboro) Jaycees?"

"A lot of positive press has been given to the Jaycees and Justin Conrad in particular on how they voluntarily gave up the tournament. While Justin Conrad is to be commended for shepherding the decision through the Byzantine Jaycee decision making process, all the Jaycees really did was give in to the inevitable. When you are on life support and the only option is a heart transplant, it is not a hard decision. The final decision to give up control of the tournament also came to late for them to have any real power influencing the future of the event and their involvement. "

This excerpt was taken from the following link. To read the entire article go to:

Jaycee TV Episode 23 the "All Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic Episode"

During the 1997-98 Greensboro Jaycee year, the organization began a bold new project called Jaycee TV. The project produced 26 episodes and at least two "spin off" productions. The show appeared on Greensbro Community Television and was broadcast into 96,000 homes each week.

This is a shot of Management Development Vice President Rob Moore conducting an exclusive interview with 1997 GGCC Champion Frank Nobilo. This episode aired on May 7, 1998 and again on May 14, 1998 also included a "musical" look at workdays, a visit from the Velvet Fog (Tom Sullivan) and "The Party Montage"- a segment highlighting three GGCC parties. Posted by Picasa

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Minutes of the March 2, 2006 Green Coat Club Meeting


2005 - $850K to charity, strong player field. Record year in sponsor sales, $3 million in sales over the Chrysler participation.
2006 - Dates: Oct. 2-8, 2006 (not August). Strong Exec. Comm. w/Geoff Cass. Changing Ad agency to Trone Agency. Sales & Marketing efforts to entire Triad region. Newest Tournament Partner: Coke, 5 yr. contract
2007 - Still searching for our next title sponsor. Part of the FedEx Cup. Must put on a good show for the next 4-6 years.

Greensboro Jaycee Charitable Foundation - Billy Armfield, Mike Bumpass, Geoff Cass*, Randy Cobb*, J.B. Davis, Mike Haley*, Dennis Glass*, George House, Bobby Long, Mackey MacDonald*, Bonnie McElveen Hunter, Jim Melvin*, Billy Nutt, Jim Renick, Stephan Pearson*
*Green Coaters
Our tournament is 67 yrs. young, we must move to a higher level to compete in the PGA TOUR golf tournament business.

Board of Directors now 12 positions (down from 23). V.P.s manage all projects (no Directors) Currently 180 members with about 50% active. Looking for mentors for V.P.s. Need new members.

IV. 2006 / 2007 CCG - GEOFF CASS & JIM LANIK
2006 Exec. Comm. getting started. Working on long term contracts with major sponsors. 155 chairmanships needed to fill. Jim Lanik working with Membership recruitment. 2007 tournament has 9 months to prepare for August 07.

226 Members, 100 Members worked during the 2005 CCG with 3,000 hours logged.

Green Coat Club and Old Timers need to assist with JC membership recruitment. Need to develop data base of previous JC's that have not joined Old Timers (Mary Schott Speaker asked "when are women going to be invited to join Old Timers?) to use for manpower.
Green Coat Club Golf Outing: May 16, Forest Oaks $85 (includes golf/beverages/dinner/awards) Inviting Green Coat Club, Old Timers, current Jaycees, and the Foundation members.

Respectfully submitted,
Jim Fogleman

Sheriff Barnes with Judy Revels

Sheriff BJ Barnes takes a moment to speak to 2003 Chrysler Classic of Greensboro General Chairman Judy Revels at the "2003 CCG Gala".
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Letter from Bobby Bain

The Carson Bain Memory Walk

Dear fellow Green Coaters,

The Alzheimer’s Association in Guilford County has an annual fundraiser each year. They call it their Memory Walk, and this year’s event will be held at Country Park on June 3, 2006.
This year, they have honored fellow Green Coat Club Member, Carson Bain, by naming the event the Carson Bain Memory Walk. As you are aware, Dad has suffered from Alzheimer’s disease for the past six or seven years. Although he is currently living at his home under the supervision and care of his wife, Fanny, Alzheimer’s has certainly diminished his quality of life.
His short-term memory functions are his greatest challenge. He still remains in fairly good physical condition and has been able to retain his humor and gentlemanly mannerisms. He may not know who you are but is still very glad to see you. One of the subtle blessings of Alzheimer’s disease is that the patient really doesn’t know he has it.

Many of you have expressed your concerns about Carson Bain during the past several years, and these concerns are very much appreciated by his family. Your understanding of his condition when he is out in the public is also appreciated. Alzheimer’s patients often ask the same questions over and over. They deserve an answer each time.

What would Carson Bain do for one of us if he was in good health and we were suffering from some type of disease? During the Polio epidemic in the late 1940’s, he and his fellow Jaycees carried patients to the Polio clinics they helped fund. They didn’t care if it was contagious; they simply wanted to help those in need.
Let us now get behind Dad and raise some money for Alzheimer’s research. You can help by making a contribution, but better yet, why not sponsor a team through your company, church or neighborhood, and show up for the walk. You may register your team at If you would prefer to make a pledge in Dad’s honor, simply indicate your wishes in an email to me at Checks may be sent as follows:

Alzheimer’s Association
PO Box 7383
Greensboro, NC 27417

Thanks for Caring,

Bobby Bain

Thursday, March 02, 2006

3/2/06 Green Coat Club Open Meeting

This is a shot of the crowd at the 3/3/06 meeting called by Bill Brady and the Green Coat Club. Posted by Picasa

3/2/06 Green Coat Club Open Meeting

Bill Brady, the current President of the Green Coat Club, called the meeting held at the Greensboro Jaycee office on March 2, 2006 at 6:00pm. There was an agenda in place that included a Chrysler Classic of Greensboro Update from the tournament's director Mark Brazil, a foundation report from Randy Cobb and Mike Haley as well as comments from both 2006 Greensboro Jaycee President Stephan Pearson and 2006 Chrysler Classic of Greensboro General Chairman Geoff Cass.

There were approximately 90 people in attendance. (This is Bill Brady's number and can not be confirmed.) There were at least 24 Green Coat Members at the meeting, including MacArthur Sims, Randy Cobb, Bill Brady, Mike Haley Geoff Cass, Amy Collins Moore, Randy Harris, Kelly Marks, Larry Heath, Jim Melvin, Keith Holliday, Sabrah Hardin, Ann Pinto, Patty Wells, Irwin Smallwood,Justin Conrad, Ken Conrad, Mary Schott Speaker,Hal Greeson, Jim Fogleman, Chuck Millisor, David Williams,Wade Peoples and Mike Solomon to name a few.

After each of the speakers gave brief presentations, there was a short question and answer session. The panel included Randy Cobb, Mike Haley, Geoff Cass, Stephan Pearson, Jimmy Maness and Bill Brady. Mark Brazil had to leave after his opening comments to attend a county commissioner's meeting.

Here are a few points to be aware of from the meeting:

Phil McCarn has accepted a new job and is moving to the Atlanta area. Mark Brazil wished him well and said that he would handle Phil's role until the newly appointed foundation board could find a replacement have for him.

The Green Coat Club in going to host their annual golf challege on May 16th at Forest Oaks Country Club. The cost is $85.00 and this includes dinner. For more information on this event contact Bill Brady.

Area 1 Leadman Maria Hicks is planning to marry Lowell Few at Magnolia Manor on August 26, 2006.

and the Greensboro Jaycees will be running a project to support the upcoming Carson Bain Memory Walk to be held on June 3, 2006. This year's chariman is Bobby Bain. For more information on this event go to .Posted by Picasa