Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Note from Hal Greeson

"I'm pretty sure no one cares about this but me, but it occurred to me last night that today marks 100 years from the day that Henry Giessenbier, a young bank teller in St. Louis, Mo. and member of the Herculaneum Dancing Society, brought together representatives of some of the bigger and better dancing clubs of that City, and, in the upstairs room of the Mission Inn formed the Young Men's Progressive Civic Association (the YMPCA), which later became the Junior Citizens, and then the Junior Chamber of Commerce and, finally, the Jaycees. Henry got the room free because his father was headwaiter there, thereby establishing one of the guiding principles of Jayceeism "If you can't afford it, get it donated." If I'm right about that date (and I'm not far off) this is the 100th Aniversary of the First Jaycee Project! Cool, Huh?"
Harold F. Greeson

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