Friday, April 07, 2006

USA Today Reports Dr. Charles McQueary Resigns from Homeland Security"

"Brain drain hits Homeland Security
By Mimi Hall, USA TODAY

"The Homeland Security Department is losing top managers and rank-and-file employees in a brain drain that could affect morale and the nation's safety, according to members of Congress and labor experts. "

"Homeland Security is "hemorrhaging on the front lines and higher up," says New York University professor Paul Light, an expert on the federal workforce. The turnover comes amid renewed threats of terrorism and as the department readies itself for another hurricane season.
Key vacancies include top leaders in the department's cyber-security, technology and disaster response divisions."

"This month, operations chief Matthew Broderick resigned. Last month, Science and Technology Undersecretary Charles McQueary resigned. And in January, Chief Financial Officer Andy Maner quit."

These excerpts were taken from the following link. To read the entire article go to:

(Dr. Charles McQueary was the 2001 Honorary Chairman of the Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic and is a member of the Green Coat Club.)

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