Wednesday, September 03, 2008

1980 GGO Decanter Sells for $87.50 on eBay

The ggoblogger likes to keep his reader(s) up to date on what's for sale on eBay and other online auctions. The other day this 1980 GGO decanter was featured on the "What's on eBay?" post on this blog. The ggoblogger doesn't have anything to do with the sell of these items and offers these post only as a service to those looking to add to their GGO collections.

Rarely do I give these auctions a second thought, but today I noticed that 1980 GGO decanter had 13 bids and sold for $87.50. (That's about $80.00 too much. That buyer should have spent $18.00 on A GGO Thing and I would have told him how to buy an entire set of decanters for what he paid for that one.) The 1980 GGO decanter is one of my favorite ones.

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