Saturday, August 20, 2005

Seymour Hardy Floyd

"In 1995 I began working for Guilford County. County personnel policies prohibit political activity. Since I felt I could not serve the community through a board or commission as the members of those committees are in effect political appointees, I became involved in the Greensboro Jaycees.

I have worked on the Empty Stocking Fund, Hospitality Areas of the ACC basketball tournament, the Greater Greensboro Nike Open, and the Greater Greensboro Chrysler Classic now known as the Chrysler Classic of Greensboro.

I am currently the Chairman of the Clothing and Merchandising Tent for the upcoming CCG Tournament.

In 1999, I was secretary of the Nike tournament assisting also with housing for the players and transportation for the PGA officials. The hard work of tournament chairman Mike Barber and our committee resulted in a $45,000 donation to Hospice.

The CCG tournament has each year raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for our community charities."

This excerpt was taken from the following link.

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