Sunday, February 19, 2006

How to Write a CPG (Chairman's Planning Guide)

"How to write a CPG" will run Tuesday, February 21, 2006 from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the Greensboro Jaycee Office.

The following is a description of the event:

A new member of the Greensboro Jaycees thought it would be beneficial to offer a workshop for new Jaycees to learn how to effectively write a CPG (Chairman's Planning Guide) and become more effective project managers.

This session will teach attendees how to create a CPG by following the proper steps and will include an opportunity for attendees to brainstorm to think about future projects they might want to chair. This should also be an opportunity for attendees to learn effective preparation and planning skills that they can take with them to the workplace.

This excerpt was taken from the following link. To learn more about the Greensboro Jaycees go to:

(The Greensboro Jaycees are the Official Volunteer Host of the tournament currently known as the Chrysler Classic of Greensboro.)

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